Easy, Fast & Fun Marketing

This it the Holy Grail of promises right? Everyone wants everything to be easy, fast and fun. Like me and the Crossword Puzzles I choose 🤣

But what MAKES something easy, fast and fun? THAT'S what we're going to explore today. And THEN we're going to tie it back to Marketing THINGS that YOU can do that would fall into those categories...for YOU 😉

Let's get right to it.

What makes something feel EASY?

My 5yo is a Math Guy. This past weekend he was exploring (on his new tablet) how high a level of Math he could get to before he got stumped. I think he got to about Grade 3 level.

For him, Math is easy.

I went to school with a guy who was there on a Volleyball scholarship. I remember his mom once saying that he was "born with a volleyball in his hands". For him, Volleyball was easy.

Some people find writing computer code easy. Some people find writing prose easy. Some people find connecting with people easy. Some people find choosing matching colors easy.

Equally, some people find writing computer code HARD. Same goes for writing prose, connecting with people, and choosing matching colors.

There are things YOU find easy. There are things your team finds easy.

And there are things YOU and your team find hard.

Creating EASE in anything isn't about adopting a specific strategy or tactic. It's about connecting to what YOU find easy. And what I find easy, and what YOU find easy, are not the same thing 💡

DANGER ZONE⛔ If someone else finds something easy, that DOESN'T mean they can make it feel easy for you. For example, my son finds Math easy for HIM, but he may or may not be any good at teaching other people it. Yet, SO many marketing service providers just tell you to pay them for what's easy for them (content creation, SEO, email marketing, digital advertising), letting them make your life EASY by not having to worry about something. But let's be honest, I've come across one too many CEO's who aren't seeing the results of these outsourced efforts, and I can tell you it doesn't FEEL easy if there aren't any results. And what drives results? What's easy for YOU.

What makes something feel FAST?

Do you remember learning how to read? Yeah, me neither. Today, you're just sitting here reading right along, but would your 5-6 (maybe even 8) year old self be able to read that fast?

When I think of fast, I think of Usain Bolt (who is no longer the world's fastest man, but remains that in my heart, along with Donovan Bailey, go Canada). But do you think either of those gentlemen, or anyone YOU consider Fast, was born that fast?


Fast is earned. It's earned through Practice. Time. Dedication.

In today's world of immediate gratification, I think we've forgotten this investment in Fast. We got lazy, and waited for someone else to deliver us Fast.

Fast Food. Amazon next day delivery. Google answers, and AI responses.

And yes, when it comes to a direct definition of fast, sure, that checks out.

But when it comes to business building - or building ANYTHING really - it's just NOT immediate. AND that doesn't mean it's not fast.

On a personal note, I met my now-husband when I was 30. We got engaged when we were 32. Married at 33. Parents at 33. Every time I think of that, I think it was fast. But really, it was almost 4 years.

Now, if I had to wait for a Google response for 4 years, yeah, I would have peaced-out long ago.

But for a life long connection? That's fast.

And who defines YOUR fast?

You do.

I've spent the last 3.5 years building my personal brand on LinkedIn. The connection and opportunity I get there are based on that investment. And that connection and opportunity doesn't just EXIST by nature. It's created. It's nurtured. It's an investment.

DANGER ZONE⛔ What are the meaningful things you're skipping to get something done FAST? Have you ever explored this? If I'm driving somewhere and all I care about is getting there fast, I'm trading my safety. If you just want to get a client fast, you're probably going to choose projects that don't match your personality and/or expertise. So sure, go for Fast above everything else...just make sure you know what you're trading.

What makes something feel FUN?

You can probably guess where I'm going with this one. And it's tied pretty closely into what you might find easy, but not 100%.

I recently wrote a LI post about how much I love ice skating, even though I'm not very good at it. I wouldn't say it feels EASY for me. But it does feel FUN.

But not all people think ice skating is FUN. Just like not all people think MATH is fun.

It's a personal alignment that makes something feel fun.

A connection to your Passion Drivers.

It's been a while since I referenced Passion Drivers, so quick review...they are the INPUTS what make you feel the OUTPUT of Passion.

For me, my dominant one is Collection Contribution.

It's the reason I found playing basketball to be fun. It's the reason I find networking (digital and in-person) fun. It's the reason I call my immediate family My Team. It's the reason why community is so important to me.

It's also the reason I don't prefer to stand on stages as a key note speaker. It's the reason I haven't written a book. It's the reason I don't even really like workshops. I don't like it to be about ME. I like things to be about WE.

But that's ME. Not YOU.

And what's fun for you will NEVER be based on what's fun for me.

It's about connecting with what's fun for YOU.

So...what's fun for you?

DANGER ZONE⛔ People who don't get that what's fun for them isn't necessarily the same as what's fun for you MIGHT try to take away what's fun for you. I had a coach once who told me that I needed to get someone to do my social media for me. My response? "I LOVE my social media. Creating content is FUN for me. So, why would I outsource something I love?" Remember, only YOU know YOU. Don't outsource what's fun for you JUST because someone else told you that you should.

Easy, Fast & Fun in Marketing

So, what feels easy for you in your business? What could you get behind practicing on an on-going basis to get faster? What's fun for you?

Sometimes, it's easiest to start by brainstorming things OUTSIDE of your business, and then incorporate them back in.

I'll use myself as an example. If you've been following along to this point, I would encourage you to brainstorm for yourself for this next bit.

Things I find easy: listening to a new person's story, finding gaps, challenging the status quo, changing my mind, dancing when there's music, giving hugs, reading, experimenting, baking scones, writing social media posts, asking questions, swimming, walking for LONG distances

Things I do fast: writing my thoughts on LinkedIn, talk, connect with new people, offer support, build Lego, ride my bike, identify inauthenticity, create new things

Things I find fun: being part of a team, baking, ice skating, walking & exploring, reading, dancing, networking & connecting, challenging the status quo, being unique, bedtime routine with Nicholas, horseback riding, basketball, swimming, making new connections, trying new things, eating adventures, farmers markets


Using YOURS as an input, and thinking specifically about Marketing...

What could you choose?

For example: I find listening to a new person's story easy, I can quickly connect with new people AND I find challenging the status quo fun. So, what if I picked a tactic (you could choose ANY tactic), and ran it through those filters? And added my area of expertise?

You might get something like the Crazy, STUPID Marketing Show 😉

The Important Bit

The most important thing here is to realize that the INPUTS that give you unique OUTPUTS are...unique.

They are based on YOU.

Not someone else out there to make you life easier.

Which 95% of the time doesn't work.

Using some "marketers" defined inputs to create a unique output for YOU...doesn't work.

You need to use YOUR inputs.

What's easy, fast and fun for YOU.

And translate THAT into your Marketing Program.

That is, if you want it to be sustainable and drive the results YOU want 💡

That's what we're up to over at TLB Coaching & Events. Helping companies connect with their authentic INPUTS to generate the OUTPUTS they desire. If you're up for that, let's chat 😊

P.S. If you're a Marketer looking to add this skill to your repertoire, get on the waitlist for the new Authentic Marketing Fellowship!


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