Creating Digital Dominance through Community

For a long time, I had an issue with the word "dominance". In a recent conversation with a fellow Peep, I discovered why...

Because to me, dominance is related to conquering.

To "ruling over" other people without the right to do so.

Even when you look at the definition as outlined in Oxford Languages, dominance is defined as "power and influence over others", with synonyms like "supremacy" and "superiority".

Now that's where I have a problem.

Too often, as humans, especially WHITE humans, we are looking for ways to be superior. In our skin color. In our gender. In our sexual orientation. In our physical abilities.

Always, it comes back to superiority.

And I don't believe in creating an environment where any one group is superior for ANY reason. Because dominance in this definition, is a human-created construct.

And a destructive one at that.

So, Tracy, why are you even writing an article about Digital Dominance?

Because here's the thing.

It exists.

And if it could exist in INFLUENCE only, removing the power components, what could that look like?

Maybe...just looks like Community.

Creating Influence

Influence, unlike it's cousin "dominance" is defined as, "the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone".

All humans have the ability to have an effect on another human. An impact if you will.

We can have a good impact (supportive, helpful). Or, we can have a bad impact (domineering, controlling).

So, in essence, influence is NEUTRAL.

It's what we make it.

And it doesn't actually even EXIST without Community.

The Concept of Community

One of my favorite definitions of Community is also from Oxford Languages: "a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals".

A feeling of fellowship.

Does that match an intention of creating superiority?

I think not.

But what DOES a feeling of fellowship accomplish?

A positive effect on the human experience.

An impact.

An imprint that people remember.

Why Community is more effective at creating influence

The clues are in the definition...



Feelings are what create an impact on humans. They're what we remember; good and bad.

A focus on dominance, is a focus on control.

But when we focus on INFLUENCE, creating a feeling for another human that results in fellowship, THAT'S when people truly follow you.

And THAT'S why focusing on building your community is thousands of times more effective than a focus on beating other people 😉

So, if you want to create digital dominance in your space, ask yourself...

What am I doing to build my community?

And you just might find what you're looking for 💖

If you’re ready to start building YOUR community, let’s chat!


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