The Difference Between a Personal Brand and a “Digital Appearance”

We’re all living in a digital environment (or at least, if you’re reading this, you are). By nature, the space between humans and a computer has the ability to skew someone’s reality. When I “show up” online, I get to edit how I do that. Which can create a space between the authentic ME, and my digital appearance.

Many personal branding consultants are focusing on your digital appearance; how you show up online. And this is an ASPECT of personal branding. But it’s not the whole story. Here’s why it’s dangerous to assume that your personal brand is ONLY your digital appearance.

Because I love me some definitions

Let’s start with some simple definitions to see the difference between these two things:

  • Personal brand = someone else’s experience of you when you’re not in the room.

  • Digital appearance = the way that someone or something looks online.

Even just leaving it at that shows you the difference between the two.

An appearance, by definition is related to the way things look. But I think we all know, in the online environment, this is easy to fake. It makes me think of those original online dating sites where people used pictures of other people to get dates. It also makes me think of an image I keep seeing around LinkedIn…a picture of a “click farm”. With these types of services in play, appearances aren’t always what they seem.

So, although a digital appearance can be a manifestation of a personal brand, having a defined digital image does NOT mean that you have a defined personal brand; especially one that feels authentic.

When we start with a digital appearance

If you’re main focus is on your digital appearance, two factors become huge.

  1. What other people think

  2. How to optimize algorithms to “get seen”

If you’ve read any of my other blog posts, you already know how I feel about these. But let’s explore it again.

Fake. Fake. Fake.

Let’s start with what other people think.

Even if you do your due diligence and create a TRUE ideal client (not one based on age, gender and household income), then it only matters what THE RIGHT people think. If you haven’t done this work, then you can’t even get the thinking part right.

But what people think isn’t usually the deciding factor (especially in service-based businesses). It’s about what people FEEL. Which is completely missing from this strategy.

And when it comes to optimizing algorithms to “get seen”; this throws you into playing the game of a social media platform. And often, not even just ONE, but many. And this game ISN’T your game. Although, if you don’t have a true personal brand, then you don’t know what your game IS, and can easily get distracted.

A true personal brand doesn’t have anything to do with either of these things. So, if someone is going to sell you a “personal brand” and THIS is what they talk about, back away slowly.

When we start with a TRUE personal brand

Let’s throw it back to the definition to see the difference here: a personal brand is someone else’s experience of you when you’re not in the room.

If your main focus is on the EXPERIENCE you create for people, that’s where you tap into true authenticity.

When I consider other people, it’s related to how they FEEL, not how society has conditioned them to think.

When I consider where to show up, it’s based on how easily I can be my authentic self on that platform.

But it doesn’t stop there…

  • When I consider my sales tactics, I can choose ones that feel good to me

  • When I consider my marketing tactics, I can choose ones that I have fun doing

  • When I consider where to spend my time, I can easily choose the things that are most productive towards my goals

  • When I consider growing my team, I can find the people who are authentically aligned with my brand values

And we’re not even considering how your TRUE personal brand affects your personal relationships.

That goes a lot deeper than looks.

In Summary

Personal branding is about FEELINGS. Not LOOKS.

Concentrating on your “digital appearance” only will distract you from the things that REALLY matter to your people; and yourself.

So, buyer beware.

Investing in a digital appearance that looks good will fall flat if you don’t do the work to develop your true personal brand. So, if you’re going to invest the time and energy, I want you to get it right.

I’m all about TRUE personal brands, with a matching digital appearance. If that’s what you’re looking for, we should chat.


Who are your people?


What are you afraid of being?