Most Corporate Marketing Efforts have NO ROI.

Yup. I said it. And if you’re looking at your numbers, you know that it’s true.

When you’re the size of Apple, or Disney, or Virgin, it doesn’t matter.

But when you’re a small business looking to scale? Or get investment? You bet it does.

So what does it take to create marketing efforts that MATTER?

  • Each and every brand has a certain authenticity attached to it. It’s based in who you are, and why you exist. And in order for your marketing to work, you first have to embrace what it looks like to be who you are…NOT just a copy of your competitors.

  • Most businesses don’t realize that they have based their external marketing on someone else. BUT, if you read a book, or Googled a strategy, that’s precisely what you’ve done. Which, if you want to stand out in the market, isn’t actually logical. So, we need to bring the logic back into the equation and chose what MATCHES you.

  • At the end of the day, people build a relationship with a brand because of the experiences they have. Experiences that make them feel like they are in the right place…that they belong. It’s not about fancy design, or lots of money spent on ads, it’s about inviting people to join you on your quest, and helping them say YES.

The easiest place to start?


Every brand that’s been in business for while already HAS a brand experience. It’s one of the things you clients have been buying to date, but without clarity on what that is, it’s very difficult to intentionally create it. With your Brand Experience Audit, you bring in a TLB marketing expert for a forensic investigation of how your brand story is being told online, and use your Digital Influence Report to identify how to create the conversations that matter in your market.

$1750 CAD

Carole Jean Whittington, Founder, Mind Your Autistic Brain

“Energy, passion, clarity of ideas and a beautiful penchant for curiosity and wonder, are how I would describe Tracy Borreson to someone who had not yet met her. Working with Tracy and spending any amount of time in conversation with her truly is life changing and I promise she will over deliver. Tracy is innovative, fun and truly a human to know and working with her is always a pleasure.”


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